Sunday, October 30, 2016

Vacation in Malmo/Copenhagen

Sorry for not posting for so long.  This week was half-term for Adam and Meyer, and Lisa had been invited to give a talk in Copenhagen (actually, Roskilde, outside of Copenhagen), so we turned it into a family trip.  But, more than a family trip, we turned it into a multi-family reunion.  My good friend from New Haven, Josh Murray, has been living in Malmo, Sweden, for over twenty years, and I've never visited him there.  It was easy to get another good friend from high school, Claude, to bring his family from where they're currently living (in Belgrade) so we could all visit each other together.   Claude has two daughters close in age to Josh's daughters, and they love each other.  We three families had vacationed together in Sicily two summers ago, and had a really nice time, so we repeated the experience.  Then, Josh convinced another friend from New Haven, Jon Walker, to come visit from London (where he's living with his family for the fall/winter), so all four New Haven friends could be together.  Josh, Claude and Jon were three-fifths of a musical group called "The Leftovers" in high school, and Josh signed them up to play a few songs at a singer-songwriter cafe in Copenhagen, so they had their first reunion show in 30ish years.  All the families came to the show, and it was really exciting to be out hearing music at night in Copenhagen.  Jon has been writing music and put out two albums in the last couple of years, so they played two of his songs, one by Claude, and one old Leftovers song that Claude and Jon had co-written.  

Here's a link to the video of the whole show:
The rest of the trip was also really fun, although more conventional.  We went to the Copenhagen zoo, an art museum, a Danish history museum, a design museum, a canal tour, and, of course, Tivoli Gardens, the famous urban amusement park in the middle of Copenhagen (we actually went several times).  I would post pictures, but the ones I took all look like this (!):

Friday, October 7, 2016

Some Meyer Updates

Meyer and I were back at the hospital last night for a scheduled MRI.  You may remember back when he was having double vision, his doctor wanted him to have an MRI to rule out the horrible possibilities.  Well, his vision is back to normal, but his doctor still wanted him to get the MRI, so we went to get it last night.  Meyer said it was "really loud" and that some of the noises made parts of his body feel weird or even hurt, but generally it was no big deal.  He's learning to play a David Bowie song with his new drum teacher, so we got to spend a lot of time talking about David Bowie (whose music was really important to me when I was just a little older than Meyer).  Afterwards, of course, we got cake.
The coffeeshop was closing up, so we made it in time to get the cake, but had to eat it out of styrofoam containers (yes, I got a piece too).  While we were at the hospital, Adam and Lisa went to a dinner party for Lisa's work, which was apparently also really fun (and probably had its own cake), but I wasn't there to take pictures so the whole experience will be entirely lost to history unless I can convince Adam or Lisa to write a blog post.

Today, Meyer and I went to get him a haircut. 
It looks really great, and the whole thing was a good experience.  The guy who cut Meyer's hair was really open to discussion about what Meyer had in mind, and we may actually go back in a week or so to make some modifications.  He cut off a LOT of hair. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rosh Hashana Dinner!

Lisa's parents are visiting, and we're having a really nice time.  Yesterday was Rosh Hashana, so we went to services at the Oxford Jewish Congregation, which is a very unusual and special community here in Oxford.  It is a single community representing multiple religious traditions within Judaism, and on Rosh Hashana they had both a "liberal" and an orthodox service.  Unsurprisingly, we went to the liberal service, which is approximately like a U.S. Reform service. We didn't require Adam and Meyer to skip school to come with us, and since they had missed some school last week because of being sick, they chose not to come to services.

But we had a nice Rosh Hashana dinner in the evening.  I made a brisket and finally used the apples growing in our backyard to make some homemade applesauce, which was really good and complemented the brisket perfectly.  Consistent with my (recent) tradition of failing to take any pictures of people and only taking pictures of things nobody cares about, here's some pictures of food:

L'shana Tova!
On Tuesday, I took a little solo trip to London to walk around and see two old friends from New Haven, Damon and Brigid (who are married to each other). 

First, I went to see the old neighborhood I lived in when I did a semester in London in 1989. I found the street without any problem, and it did look somewhat familiar.  It's a really cute neighborhood, with shops right at the corner.  I remembered buying groceries in a little market that didn't appear to be there anymore (replaced by a small chain grocery store), and fresh bread at a bakery that also wasn't there.  But there were loads of great little restaurants and shops nearby.
I couldn't remember the street number, so took a picture of a random house that looked like it could be the one.  I generally have a pretty powerful emotional response to walking around places that were important to me in a distant past, so I thought maybe I'd recognize the house, but I didn't.  It could have been this one.  Who knows.

It was great having drinks and dinner with Damon and Brigid.  Of course, because I'm not a big picture-taker, I didn't take a picture of them.  Just some random old houses and street signs.