Friday, October 7, 2016

Some Meyer Updates

Meyer and I were back at the hospital last night for a scheduled MRI.  You may remember back when he was having double vision, his doctor wanted him to have an MRI to rule out the horrible possibilities.  Well, his vision is back to normal, but his doctor still wanted him to get the MRI, so we went to get it last night.  Meyer said it was "really loud" and that some of the noises made parts of his body feel weird or even hurt, but generally it was no big deal.  He's learning to play a David Bowie song with his new drum teacher, so we got to spend a lot of time talking about David Bowie (whose music was really important to me when I was just a little older than Meyer).  Afterwards, of course, we got cake.
The coffeeshop was closing up, so we made it in time to get the cake, but had to eat it out of styrofoam containers (yes, I got a piece too).  While we were at the hospital, Adam and Lisa went to a dinner party for Lisa's work, which was apparently also really fun (and probably had its own cake), but I wasn't there to take pictures so the whole experience will be entirely lost to history unless I can convince Adam or Lisa to write a blog post.

Today, Meyer and I went to get him a haircut. 
It looks really great, and the whole thing was a good experience.  The guy who cut Meyer's hair was really open to discussion about what Meyer had in mind, and we may actually go back in a week or so to make some modifications.  He cut off a LOT of hair. 

1 comment:

  1. That's two haircuts in two months. By the time you guys return to the states Meyer is going to be bald. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    I hope that Meyer will write a song inspired by both David Bowie and his MRI experience.
