Friday, November 18, 2016

Hurt My Back

Things have been thrown a little off kilter, but everything's back on track now.  Two weeks ago, I did something extremely painful to my back while reaching down to pick my pyjamas up off the floor.  I spent the next two days lying on the floor where I initially collapsed (nice bonus that it happened in my bedroom).  By the end of last week, I was up and walking gingerly around the house, and even going on short walks out of the house, but still couldn't sit in a chair for more than ten minutes or so.  This past week, I've been making really good progress, and am basically back to work.  I saw a physical therapist who has given me some new exercises and stretches, and I even went running yesterday.  And, I've been sitting at my desk working, so that's good too.  It's alarming to think my body is falling apart, but I guess the kinds of exercise and stretching one does just has to evolve over time, so I'm working on my new regime to take me through to my fifties. 

Adam and Meyer seem to be really happy at school, which is a huge relief.  Today was "no uniform" day (pay a pound to charity, wear your regular clothes for a day), so they got to wear their own clothes to school for the first time, which they seemed happy with, rather than choked with anxiety about, so that seemed like a good sign.  Adam is going on a day trip to France with his class next Friday.  They leave before dawn and return long after dark.  I'm not sure if he's quite as excited as I am about it, but he's pretty excited.  They're going to practice their French at a winter market buying stuff.  I do not envy the venders, even if the profits are high.

Obviously, the election was disappointing, and the general confusion about what a Trump presidency could possibly mean might be even more pronounced since we're not in the US.  But, I actually think it would probably be just as confusing, and maybe even more so, if such a thing is possible.

Tomorrow we're going on a tour of the Cotswolds with some of Lisa's colleagues from her program.  Adam and Meyer are not enthusiastic, but I'm looking forward to it a lot.

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